Remembering to Forget Some Things Sometimes

they say, don’t think about it
put it out of your mind
even, get back in the game
to move on

but i remember things like

those times sitting at a bar, pretending
she wasn’t there and
the night i almost called the cops
on her and
the way she just seemed to like to
argue and
the sneer on her face when she called me
a lame-ass bitch and
the night i sprained my wrist trying to
catch myself on a nightstand after she
pushed me and
the night i pushed her back and she fell
against a hotel wall

and the many, many times i tried
to break things off and
the many, many times i withdrew
my resolve at the first sight of her
pitiful tears

and maybe there really are some things
that it’s just best to forget

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a while

& maybe they were right about that, after all.

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